Friday, November 5, 2010

The Benefits of Going Vegetarian.. Even If It’s Just One Day a Week

The idea of practicing vegetarianism for some is quite torturous, who wants to give up juicy steaks and the all American cheese burger? Not many, but there is an alternative! Eating vegetarian, even part-time, benefits one’s health, the environment, and animals tremendously.

The health advantages of eating vegetarian are endless: reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes, lower the chances of cardiovascular disease, prevent bone loss, avoid and cleanse the ingestion of toxic chemicals, etc. Nearly one in two Americans are affected by heart disease; animal food is high in saturated fat and the only food that contains cholesterol, both greatly contribute to heart disease. Plants on the other hand do not hold any cholesterol but do provide powerful cholesterol lowering agents such as unsaturated fat, soluble fibers, and phytochemicals, all of which are found almost exclusively in plant foods. Adding more vegetables to your diet doesn’t only have positive internal effects; it even improves skin issues that can be exacerbated by animal food.

Consuming less meat has an amazing impact on the environment. Animal farming uses endless amounts of natural resources to raise the animals such as fossil fuels and water. More than 1/3 of US fossil fuels go to the production of animals; according to a study in the American journal of clinical nutrition, the production of a single calorie of animal protein necessitates more than ten times the fossil fuel input as a calorie of plant protein. Water contamination and shortages are also a serious byproduct of animal production. One pound of beef entails the use of approximately 2500 gallons of water, whereas a pound of soy requires 250 gallons of water and a pound of wheat only 25 gallons. Aside from the depletion of resources, animal farming also contributes to water and soil contamination due to antibiotics and other toxins that run-off into the land and other water sources.

Many vegetarians stop eating meat because of the treatment and practices employed at animal farms. Farms are no longer free-range, sprawling pastures; most farms are now commercial businesses jam-packed with animals to fatten and package. The conditions are crowded and disease tends to be widespread with outrageous amounts of antibiotics as the answer. When eating meat try to choose products that are labeled free-range, anti-biotic free, and are organically certified. This will prevent the ingestion of toxic chemicals and contribute to more ecological and animal friendly farming practices.

Overall, taking small steps to incorporate vegetarian practices into your daily diet can have a longstanding impact. It does not have to be difficult either! Great tasting vegetarian and vegan food is very easy to come by and can allow you to feel better both physically and mentally. Meat substitutes are endless: mushrooms, tofu, wheat, nuts, soy, etc. These products are usually for sale at your local grocery store and may even have a special section. The most challenging part will be tasting them all and finding out what you like best.

If interested in more information here are some knowledgeable website for facts and recipes:

Choose Veg, Vegetarian Times, VegWeb, Food Inc., The Future of Food

1 comment:

  1. Most excellent article! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thanks.

